Water Horse, Willow Tree

The coming Water Horse month starts Friday afternoon. That’s June 5th. The Full Moon arrives that day along with a penumbral lunar eclipse. June 6th suggests hoped for but unexpected good news. My calendar tells me this month is going to be better than the Snake month for sure. There are many more good days… Read More

Prescience or Pre Science?

When you’re used to walking on Fire, always growing and expanding, it takes a little longer to learn to walk on Water. For some, contemplation is a downer. Even though I had some ideas about what was coming, I didn’t take in the scale. And it has taken me a little longer than I thought… Read More

Common Sensei: Timeliness of Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren was born June 22, 1949. Her birth time is unknown but I have estimated it to be in the Horse hour. My estimate is based on her history. Elizabeth Warren has a good chance of being chosen as the Democratic candidate for the 2020 Presidential election. What is it that makes her timely?… Read More

Monkey Month: Water Tests Mettle

You will always find an answer in the sound of water. Zhuangzi In times that test fortitude and persistence, there are urgent choices to be made. The balance between our public and private selves seems to seesaw with every exchange. Thank goodness there’s everyday life to distract us. We need to have dinner. The kids… Read More

Sheep Month : Earth, Wind and Fire

America traditionally bids farewell to the Horse month of June in a haze of rockets’ red glare, cordite and insomnia. This year we significantly magnified Independence Day’s carbon footprint thanks to you know who. Many people mentioned recently that they can’t tell the difference between the noise of the gunshots and the fireworks. I thought… Read More

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