A Horse In The Running : Joe Biden

The Horse respects rules only in the sense that rules are for others. This is slightly less true with Water and Metal Horses.

That’s why it will be interesting to see what transpires with Joe Biden this summer, especially in August. He’s a 1942 Water Horse born in the Metal Pig month. With those two branches in his BaZi chances are high he’s going to embarrass himself in June by over relying on what he thinks is his irresistible charm; foolishly overstepping boundaries again. You’d think he would have grown past that. His Wood Dragon hour says he probably hasn’t but he’s got some magic left in him, courtesy of the Moon.

With three out of a possible four self clash signs in his BaZi, at age 77 Biden knows he makes stupid mistakes. For this reason, he is probably more open to learning from them than most men his age. I think that is also what gives him his awkward sort of empathy.

Joe Biden has a Fire Ox day pillar. That could be really useful next year. Unfortunately it’s also a weak point because it reveals he is accustomed to and expects pampering. Joe is only just now starting to get an inkling of how privileged he has been. Under pressure regarding his behavior, in the past he has come off as a typical old white guy, highlighting his cluelessness.

In Biden’s BaZi you can see he has a lifelong pattern of being disappointed by loss, interruptions and delays. His timing is always off. It may not be obvious but Joe’s failures also have to do with a lack of preparation. He has not shown he is prepared to lead.

Joe says he’s listening and learning. Inside he’s frustrated though. Can’t you feel it? When it comes to disappointment maybe he’s had more than his fair share, if there is such a thing. He’s impatient and wants to get past this part of the campaign process as quickly as possible. Collateral damage is likely; the type of damage so great that it overshadows the desired outcome. A Horse’s victory is often the Pyrrhic sort. Joe should know that by now.

If timing is what has kept Joe from success, the Earth Sheep in his current Big Fate removes that barrier. Biden just started this 10 year luck cycle in late 2018, probably about the time Dr. Jill Biden agreed to help him out with another campaign. I don’t think Joe would have tried otherwise.

What could be more helpful for a Horse running for President than a Sheep? Horse and Sheep are best friends and the Sheep will keep the Horse from burning out. The Sheep is perfect for signing up supporters and will make apologies for the Horse’s occasional stumble.

If Biden really wants to revise his value system then the Sheep clashing his Ox will be helpful, however, Dr. Jill is going to be under pressure again from people who think she’s a gender traitor for supporting Joe. Is it impossible that Jill helps him because she loves him and chooses him? Her motives are attributed to either internalized misogyny or defending her privilege or both, but adult relationships are not that pure. Who’s to say it isn’t all of the above?

Joe should be aware that Jill’s views may be the ones that change. In August, she may be defending Joe again regarding his sexual politics. For her sake, I hope Jill already knows what that will be about. August is a Water Monkey month – predicting that Joe’s treatment of Anita Hill is still a live issue. Joe says he’s listening and he wants to learn but he still hasn’t made a proper apology to Anita. If you’re looking for signs and portents you can probably stop there.

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