Maxine Waters Reclaims Time

Summer 2017 in America

Many Feng Shui masters might not agree about this but the way I see it we are now in the 9th fate: the age of Fire. The super powers of women are becoming obvious to everyone whether they like it or not. Boys are getting angry that there are female only showings of Wonder Woman. Guys like James Damore and Steven Mnuchin are getting nervous and making a pre-emptive strike to block the oncoming rise of women by pouring on the rhetoric. We have seen these tactics of avoiding answering the question that was asked (Mnuchin), or defending a weak position by claiming the victim role (Damore), used against women in authority positions many times. Maxine Waters is not having that. Her super power is reclaiming time. Mnuchin was not able to derail her – instead he opened the eyes of the world to her mastery. Times are changing. The change is accelerating.

Maxine Waters was born in an Earth Tiger year. Earth and Wood together is about power and success, aka kun and choi in the language of Ba Zi.

I wrote a post earlier this year about how people with a Tiger branch in their Ba Zi are quite effective against the Trump administration. Rather than spending a lot of time blustering on social media or in other public arenas, these Tiger people are watching and waiting. They are also working behind the scenes to make sure that when they go in it’s for the kill. They will not forget who did what and who stepped out of their place in the pecking order. The Tiger branch clashes with the current month of Monkey so Tigers will be prominent in August, and then again in October because of the Tiger’s alliance with the Dog.

As the year has progressed I have come to describe our current political situation as a tension between Earth and Wood elements. In the dynamic cycle of the Five Elements, Earth is controlled by Wood. In Ba Zi terms this means Wood is Earth’s power, and Earth is Wood’s success. Under certain circumstances Earth and Wood can also combine to create more Earth. Earth and Wood combining is a characteristic of Trump’s birth chart. He seems to be able to render his opponents ineffective. I say this only happens when the opponent lacks subtlety due to a surfeit of aggression.

Earth vs. Wood

Let’s use Earth element to represent Trump since he has an Earth day stem, Earth day branch and was born in a Dog year. We’ll also have Earth represent the U.S. Government since the office of President and the government are virtually inseparable.

Birth Chart of Donald Trump
Born June 14, 1946 at 10:54 am

Qualities of Earth

  • Remote
  • Stubborn
  • Unmoving
  • Powerful
  • Heavy
  • Compiling
  • Massive

Trump’s particular type of Earth reminds me of a small planet becoming huge; adding to its own gravity by consuming everything in its orbit. HUGE!

Now Wood will represent people with a Tiger branch in their chart, such as Maxine Waters and the Tigers from my earlier post. For the Wood element I’m also including the citizens of the U.S.A. since we are the ones who give the power to our government.

You’ll also want to note Maxine also has strong metal in her chart so it’s in her nature to speak up fearlessly about her beliefs.

Birth Chart of Maxine Waters
Born August 15, 1938

Qualities of Wood

  • moving in every direction
  • constant movement
  • stubborn
  • flexible
  • persistent
  • ambitious
  • idealistic
  • wants space


From the words alone you can see how these Earth and Wood clash, but they also have a relationship that can be harmonious.

If you follow my logic, Trump is a problem that “we the people” have the power to fix. How to begin? Don’t get distracted by the daily drama. Stay attentive to all the important things you do in your own microcosm even if all that means is communicating kindness and love to those around you. It does make a difference in the macrocosm. Align with those who share some or even just one of your values – don’t worry if you don’t match up on every issue. Be ready to move and change. Success is in flexibility and cooperation.

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