The Freeing Power of Failure

I just had to share this article I read in the NY Times this morning about 81 year old Joan Dye Gussow.  Where do I begin?

I’m inspired by the life choices she has made and the way she has educated herself.  I’m inspired by the thought of being 81 and still able to lug around some bags of topsoil, but also having an elegance in knowing my own limits.

I have always known I don’t fully appreciate and understand the life-giving qualities of “destruction” – even after all this time studying Feng Shui.  I see the expression of this natural cycle every day when I look at the Tai Ji and tell myself I understand it, but it is in the garden where I’m finally getting it on a gut level.

Losing a tree, plant, or an entire garden is an opportunity to start over and make it what you really wanted this time.

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